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About Us

About Us

Who are the IOT4.0yacht project partners and the state bodies that allowed its development

The lender

The project was funded by the Tuscany Region within the Por Creo program.
Por Creo is one of the most important regional programs through which the Tuscany Region and Europe, support through co-financing, especially investment projects of companies, but also of public bodies.

Team Italia

For over 20 years, TEAM Italia has been operating globally within the field of mega and maxi yachts and specializing in the integration and functional optimization of navigation, telecommunications, security and data transmission equipment to simplify their use.

logo team italia 512x345 px

University of Florence

The research activity of the Department covers the sectors of industrial engineering, covering the main cultural, scientific and professional aspects.


University of Pisa

The School of Engineering of the University of Pisa was founded on July 2, 2013 (D.R. n. 23780) with the aim to promote coordination of the teaching activites of the whole engineering  area.

The School coordinates the degree courses offered by the three Engineering Departments: 10 Bachelor Degrees, 17 Master Degrees and 1 Long-cycle Degree.


High quality hardware and software consultancy services, since 1994.

ISE srl

ISE Maintenance Engineering: optimization and programming of industrial plant maintenance through preventive predictive maintenance


Resiltech srl

Resiltech is an ICT (Information and Communications Technology) consultancy company operating in the field of critical systems.  Resiltech is an ICT (Information and Communications Technology) consultancy company operating in the field of critical systems.


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