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Main Home

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Industry 4.0

Prognostics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, adaptive control.

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Innovative Tools

Digital ecosystem for the development of smart solutions from A to Z.

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Performance Optmized

Process optimization, breakage prevention, knowledge sharing, integration of new digital daily tools.

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Goal Achievement

Prototyping and cost/benefit analysis of all the solutions developed.

An innovative, integrated system for remote maintenance

Regional project (Tuscany, Italy) financed with European funds, that involve the collaborations between academic excellences (DIEF UNIFI, DICI UNIPI) and companies (Team Italia, ISE, Genesy, Resiltech). A concrete example of synergy between Universities and Industries.

What We Do

The IOT4.0Yacht project aims to prototype, develop and implement advanced and innovative technological solutions based on ICT, sensors and embedded tachnologies that let to carry out remote assistance activities, predictive and on-demand diagnosys, manteniance and solutions of faults for the on-board devices, in medium and high sized boats.


New auxiliary sensors and innovative measurement techniques


R&D of innovative algorithms (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Adaptive Control)

Cyber security & threat analysis

Security of communications (sensitive data and support activities)

App Interface

Monitoring, configuration interfaces and advanced remote control

IOT4.0Yacht numbers

Projects partners
Operational objectives
Conferences and promotional events
Project value (k€)

“Four companies from Livorno spoke on Friday 1 March at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of the projects co-financed by European funds, which they are working on. High technology and skills at the service of innovation, in the field of digital maritime communications, remote maintenance of boats and in the health and surgical sector. A Livorno that produces excellence.”

From Chamber of Commerce of Livorno official facebook page.

What Set Us Apart

A highly professional and competent group, which works in synergy, from the theoretical development of solutions to their implementation and evaluation in the field.


Tel: 0586426489

Pec: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

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